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UV-Visible Spectrophotometers

UV-Visible Spectrophotometers

UV-Visible Spectrophotometers

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The SPECORD PLUS family offers a comprehensive selection
of accessories for simple handling and reliable analysis of a
wide variety of samples. Whether cell holder, cell changer,
flow cell systems, reflectance accessories or fiber coupling –
the right accessory for each application is available.



UV-Visible Spectrophotometers

The SPECORD PLUS family offers a comprehensive selection
of accessories for simple handling and reliable analysis of a
wide variety of samples. Whether cell holder, cell changer,
flow cell systems, reflectance accessories or fiber coupling –
the right accessory for each application is available.

Features :

Precise and reliable
■ A sophisticated and robust optical concept ensures
outstanding measurement performance.
■ Multiple internal tests ensure proper operation of the
■ Quartz coated optical components guarantee extreme

Flexible and customizable
■ An extensive range of accessories provides flexibility and
efficiency for all routine- or special applications.
■ The modular concept of the accessories makes switching
between applications fast and easy.
■ The large sample compartment and dual beam design
allow the simultaneous use of two accessories increasing
efficiency and productivity.
■ An additional cell position directly in front of the detector
supports the measurement of turbid samples.

■ An intelligent software design supports smooth
■ A modular software package offers flexibility and helps to
ensure that regulatory requirements are met.
■ The clever instrument design impresses with ergonomics
and optimal use of space, fast operational readiness and
easy handling.



Food and Agriculture
Fast quantitative analysis of numerous compounds and
monitoring of reactions with time-dependent concentration
Possible accessories:
■ 8-cell changer: temperature control, time-dependent
measurements (e.g. enzyme kinetics)
■ Round cell holder: quantitative analysis of calcium,
phosphate and nitrate etc. with ready-to-use test kits
■ Integrating sphere: transmittance and diffuse reflectance
mesurements of scattering solid, liquid and powder

Monitoring of various compounds in water, from drinking
to industrial waste water. A dedicated position for turbid
samples simplifies the measurement of highly scattering
waste water samples.
Possible accessories:
■ Sipper system: quantitative analysis of numerous
compounds such as nitrate, nitrite, sulfate and phosphate
■ APG: autosampler with up to 116 sample positions for
routine analysis with high sample throughput

Chemicals and Materials
Measuring transmittance, absorbance and reflectance
of solid, liquid or powder samples as well as color
determination for quality and purity control.
Possible accessories:
■ Holder for solid samples: transmission charactericstics of
foils and glasses
■ Variable angle reflectance attachment: determination of
refractive index

Pharma and Life Sciences
Quality testing from raw materials to finished products
and monitoring of time-dependent processes, such as
Possible accessories:
■ Ultra-micro cell holder: DNA purity determination
■ Peltier temperature controlled accessories: applications
that demand high temperature accuracy
■ 6-cell changer: DNA melting point determination
■ 2×8-cell changer: dedicated for dissolution systems

■ High-end quartz-coated optical components
provide extreme durability even in harsh lab
■ Monochromator with imaging holographic grating
minimizes stray light.
■ Automatic self recalibration for optimum
wavelength accuracy and reproducibility.
■ Innovative detector technology with temperature
controlled detectors for outstanding long term
■ Intelligent optical concept for excellent signal-tonoise ratio.
■ Additional position particularly suited for turbid
■ Easy and tool-free exchange of lamps can be
performed by user.
■ Extensive accessory portfolio and large sample
compartment support wide range of